How to Connect with Customers

If you are familiar with the 4×100 relay in track and field, the baton is passed from one teammate to the next. The baton must remain connected to a person during the exchange or you become disqualified. This all takes place in the Xchange Zone. Staying connected is the same goal we should have with our […]

Benefits of Creating a Customer Centric Culture

Benefits of Creating a Customer Centric Culture - James Brown Jr blog post

How great would it be if we knew what our customers wanted, provided it and they could trust us to have it? That would be a great business and it is attainable. The best brands understand this concept and provide what their clients want. This is what happens when companies have a customer centric culture.  Tony Hsieh […]

Customer Loyalty Will Likely Fail When You Neglect Staff

Customer Loyalty Will Likely Fail When You Neglect Staff - James Brown Jr blog post

I recently walked into a restaurant and saw two employees in a heated exchange. They were so involved in their disagreement, they didn’t notice me standing there for almost 10 minutes. Top top it off, the owners was there just watching. If you’ve followed me at all, you know what I did. I walked out. ✌? […]

Improve Sales Performance with Relationship Selling

Improve Sales Performance with Relationship Selling - James Brown Jr blog post

From September 1982 to May 1993, NBC aired an award-winning sitcom named Cheers. I know I am aging myself LOL, but Cheers was a bar located in Boston and their theme song said “where everybody knows your name.” I’m not sure if Norm ever had to place an order because they not only knew his […]

How to Keep Employees from Feeling Disconnected When Working Remotely

Keep Employees Connected - James Brown Jr blog post

The number of people working from home or working remotely has increased because of Covid19.  Studies have shown that nearly a third of U.S. employees shifted to work from home because of the pandemic.  While this new work experience has created some advantages, employees feeling disconnected has been one of the downsides to this new […]

Revitalize Your Business – Use C.P.R. for Your Customer Service

We are seeing signs and posts from businesses saying “service will be lacking due to the current labor shortage” or something similar.  Well, let me say, ‘labor shortage’ does not give any business an excuse for providing sub-par customer service.  Customers continue to have the same or maybe even higher expectations because of resources, options, […]

Building Customer Trust to Avoid Dissatisfaction

Why is Customer Trust Important? Gregory Smith, a former top executive with Goldman Sachs, once said, “If clients don’t trust you they eventually stop doing business with you. It doesn’t matter how smart you are.” Trust is a foundational piece of the customer service puzzle for any business. Without trust, there is little hope for […]

Is the Customer Always Right?

I recently had the privilege and opportunity to participate in one of the top 15 hospitality podcasts, “Don’t Look Under The Bed,” where we discussed my obsession with customer service.  During our discussion, Robin asked me a question, “Is the customer always right?” To put the question into further context, it was specifically about what has […]

3 Tips to Help Your Business Provide Stand-Out Customer Services

Customer service has to be more than a department, more than a call back number, more than a ‘robo’ chat on your website. Customer service must be intentionally at the forefront of everything we do.  Are customer service expectations part of your employee training process?  Do you talk about it as part of your organizational […]

Maximize Your Face-to-Face Customer Service

There is a proverb that says “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” but I want to change that to “A customer in-person beats 2 online clicks” I thought it was just me, but I recently heard a customer screaming “Your online customer service is so much better than your in-store […]